A preliminary report of Early Cretaceous dinocyst floras from Site 765, Argo Abyssal Plane, northwest Autralia
Name | Original Description |
Eisenack, A. (1958)
Deflandre, G. and Courteville, H. (1939)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1962b)
Davey, R.J. (1974)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Davey, R.J. and Williams, G.L. (1966b)
Deflandre, G. (1938)
Eisenack, A. (1958)
Davey, R.J. and Williams, G.L. (1966b)
Wetzel, O. (1933a)
White, H.H. (1842)
Pocock, S.A.J. (1962)
Gocht, H. (1957)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960a)
Alberti, G. (1961)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Davey, R.J. (1969a)
Davey, R.J. and Verdier, J.-P. (1974)
Morgan, R. (1980a)
Sarjeant, W.A.S. (1962a)
Alberti, G. (1961)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960a)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Helby, R. (1987)
Deflandre, G. and Cookson, I.C. (1955)
Duxbury, S. (1979a)
Davey, R.J., Downie, C., Sarjeant, W.A.S. and Williams, G.L. (1966)
Backhouse, J. (1987)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Gocht, H. (1957)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Davey, R.J. (1974)
Mehrota, N.C. and Sarjeant, W.A.S. (1984c)
Deflandre, G. (1938)
Klement, K.W. (1960)
Backhouse, J. (1987)
Eisenack, A. and Cookson, I. (1960)
Morgan, R. (1980a)
Backhouse, J. (1988)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Backhouse, J. (1988)
Stover, L.E. and Helby, R. (1987a)
Stover, L.E. and Helby, R. (1987c)
Stover, L.E. and Helby, R. (1987d)
Backhouse, J. (1988)
Alberti, G. (1961)
Backhouse, J. (1987)
Alberti, G. (1961)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960a)
Stover, L.E. (1977)
Davey, R.J. and Verdier, J.-P. (1971)
Stover, L.E. and Helby, R. (1987d)
Stover, L.E. and Helby, R. (1987c)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Morgan, R. (1975)
Stover, L.E. and Helby, R. (1987c)
Stevens, J. (1987)
Gocht, H. (1979)
Tasch, P. (1964)
Alberti, G. (1961)
Deflandre, G. (1935)
Stover, L.E. and Helby, R. (1987d)
Helby, R. (1987)
Alberti, G. (1961)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1962a)
Gocht, H. (1959)
Stover, L.E. and Helby, R. (1987c)
Eisenack, A. and Cookson, I. (1960)
Gocht, H. (1959)
Morgan, R. (1980a)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Davey, R.J. (1988)
Stover, L.E. and Helby, R. (1987c)
Clarke, R.F.A. and Verdier, J.P. (1967)
Stover, L.E. and Helby, R. (1987a)
Morgan, R. (1975)
Singh, Ch. (1971)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Davey, R.J. and Verdier, J.-P. (1973)
Morgenroth, P. (1968)
Stover, L.E. and Helby, R. (1987d)
Eisenack, A. and Cookson, I. (1960)
Gitmez, G.U. (1970)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960a)
Eisenack, A. (1958)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1958)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Davey, R.J. (1982b)