Analyses of Mesozoic and Cenozoic organic-walled dinoflagellates 1977-1985
Name Original Description
Beju, D. (1983)
Burger, D. (1980b)
Brideaux, W.W. (1977)
Khanna, A.K. and Singh, H.P. (1980)
Stover, L.E. (1974)
Morgenroth, P. (1966a)
Duxbury, S. (1980)
Vozzhennikova, T.F. (1967)
Duxbury, S. (1980)
Morgenroth, P. (1966a)
Eisenack, A. (1954b)
Wille, W. and Gocht, H. (1985)
Brideaux, W.W. (1977)
Burger, D. (1980b)
Jan du Chêne, R. and Adediran, S.A. (1985)
Bjærke, T. (1980a)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Stover, L.E. (1974)
Jan du Chêne, R. and Adediran, S.A. (1985)
Williams, G.L. and Downie, C. (1966c)
Wiggins, V.D. (1972)
Dörhöfer, G. and Davies, E.H. (1980)
Brideaux, W.W. (1977)
Edwards, L.E. (1982)
Hansen, J.M. (1977)
Hansen, J.M. (1977)
Morgan, R. (1975)
Courtinat, B. and Gaillard, C. (1980)
Cookson, I.C. and Eisenack, A. (1960b)
Davey, R.J. and Verdier, J.-P. (1974)
Williams, G.L. and Downie, C. (1966c)
Khanna, A.K. and Singh, H.P. (1980)
Bjærke, T. (1980a)
Drugg, W.S. (1967)
Hansen, J.M. (1977)
Deflandre, G. (1937b)
Brideaux, W.W. (1977)
Davey, R.J. (1979b)
Davey, R.J. (1974)
Morgan, R. (1975)
Eisenack, A. (1954b)
Khanna, A.K. and Singh, H.P. (1980)
Courtinat, B. and Gaillard, C. (1980)
Vozzhennikova, T.F. (1967)
Duxbury, S. (1980)
Batten, D.J. and Lister, J.K. (1988)
Khanna, A.K. and Singh, H.P. (1980)
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