Cyclonephelium hirtellum

Cyclonephelium hirtellum (Alberti, 1961) Davey, 1978

Now Circulodinium. Originally (and now) Circulodinium, subsequently Canningia, thirdly Cyclonephelium.
Possible tax. jr. synonym of Tenua (as Cyclonephelium) hystrix Eisenack, 1958, according to Backhouse, 1988.
Helby, 1987, retained this species in Circulodinium Alberti, 1961.
Below, 1981, also effected the transfer of this species to Cyclonephelium.
Holotype: Alberti, 1961, pl.4, fig.20
Locus typicus: Haverlahwiese, Germany
Stratum typicum: Valanginian-Hauterivian
Translation Alberti, 1961: LPP

Original diagnosis: Alberti, 1961, p.28: Circulodinium hirtellum
Shell flattened, outline irregulary rounded, slightly longer than broad. Short apical protrusion. Two antapical bulges of unequal size. Epitheca slightly smaller than hypotheca. Surface of shell, ecxept central parts of dorsal and ventral sides, covered with short, pointed, thorn-like spines.
Description: Short, blunt apical horn (c. 7 Ám). Two rounded antapical horns of unequal size. The length and distribution of the at the bases broadened thorns variable. Membrane yellow-brown and transparent.
Dimensions: Holotype - length 102 Ám, breadth 93 Ám, length of thorns 3-4 Ám, length of apical horn 7 Ám, antapical bulges 10-12 Ám. Range - length 98-106 Ám, breadth 88-97 Ám.
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