Areoligera coronata

Areoligera coronata, (O. Wetzel, 1933), Lejeune-Carpentier, 1938

Originally Hystrichosphaera penicillata forma coronata, subsequently Hystrichosphaeridium coronatum, thirdly (and now) Areoligera coronata.
Tax. sr. synonym of Areoligera medusettiformis (O.Wetzel, 1933) Lejeune-Carpentier, 1938, according to Morgenroth, 1968.
Tax. sr. synonym of Areoligera rhizopodiphora (O.Wetzel, 1933) LejeuneCarpentier, 1938, according to Lentin and Williams, 1981.

Holotype: O. Wetzel, 1933, pl.4, fig.17 (flint)
Stratum typicum: Senonian.
Locus typicus: Erratic, flint from Bautzen, Saxony, Germany

Original description as Hystrichosphaera penicillata forma coronata n.f.: [Wetzel 1933, p. 41, pl.4, fig.17]: (Translation: LPP):

Diagnosis: (given only for H. penicillata, not for forma coronata):
Shell spherical, processes distally broadened in a compartment-, bundle- or brushlike way, or spread-out and fibrous.
The slender ends of some process brushes can be partially fused by skin-like rags. Processes proximally sometimes rather broad or fused, leaving small round clearances (basal windows, crown or crenel-shaped). Part of the separated processes are often thin and distally hardly set with small hooks or knobs.

Improved description (abridged, after Eisenack 1964) as Areoligera coronata:

Lejeune-Carpentier 1939, p.168, fig.6 (Translation: LPP):

The large areas of the bulging surface are surrounded by occasionally very high collars, pierced by rare and large windows. The height of the collars may be as large as the diameter of the areas. The supporting elements of the arcs of the A series are faintly developed. Area E is set with abundant spinous strips, with oval windows at the bases.....

Supplemental description:

Mehrota and Sarjeant, 1987, p. 161:

Cyst proximochorate, marginate and phragmochorate. Central body lenticular, with a small apical horn and a bilobate antapex. Autophragm thin. Processes predominantly broad and membraneous, having a digitate distal margin. Some processes are branched; each branch arises from approximately mid-length of the process and may further subdivide twice or thrice but finally terminates in a bifid distal extremity. The processes are arranged in soleate complexes and are lacking from the mid-dorsal and mid-ventral regions.
The cingulum is marked by the orientation of these complexes and by an absence of processes.
Paratabulation: 4", 5-?6", xc, 5-?6""", 1p, 1"""". An offset notch is the only direct indication of the sulcus.
Archaeopyle apical (type tA), with a zigzag margin; operculum usually free, rarely loosely in place or attached ventrally.
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