Suibindia ovata

Suibindia ovata Yu Jingxian, 1982

Holotype: Yu Jingxian, 1982, pl.8, fig.26
Age: Late Jurassic-early Cretaceous

Description: Cysts ovoid; length slightly greater than width. Periphragm only; surface smooth. Paracingulum about 1.8 µm wide, decorated on edges with fine ridges, shallow-bottomed. Epicyst subtriangular. Hypocyst semicircular. Antapex fully rounded. Apical horn extremely small and present as the extension of the epicyst. Ventral section often has one thick crease, equivalent to or less than length of cyst. No archeopyle observed.
Size: Cysts 25 - 30 µm long and 15 - 23 µm wide.
Comparison: This is distinguished from S. punctata by its small cysts, narrow paracingulum and smooth surface.
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